
Music library

Failed to save the music collection path

This setting specifies the folder which will be scanned for music.

Note: When the path is changed, any previously scanned files outside the new path are removed from the collection and any playlists.


Specify folders within your music collection path which shall be excluded from the scanning. Show more…

You can use the wild cards '?', '*', and '**':

  • ? matches any one character within a path segment
  • * matches zero or more arbitrary characters within a path segment
  • ** matches zero or more arbitrary characters including path segment separators '/'

Paths with a leading '/' character are resolved relative to the user home directory and others relative to the music library base path.

Changes to the excluded paths will only take effect upon rescan.

Failed to save the ignored paths
Failed to save the setting

Many features of the Music app are based on the metadata stored in the audio files. However, scanning this data may consume a lot of time on some systems using extrenal storage. When disabled, the library structure is built based on the file and folder names only.

Changes on this setting take effect only upon rescan of the library.


This action resets all the scanned tracks and all the user-created playlists. After this, the collection can be scanned again from scratch.

This may be desirable after changing the excluded paths, or if the database would somehow get corrupted. If the latter happens, please report a bug to the issue tracker.

This action erases all the stations shown in the "Internet radio" view.

This action erases all the channels shown in the "Podcasts" view.

User interface

Show desktop notification when the playing song changes. You also need to have the desktop notifications allowed in your browser for this site.

Unlike the other settings, this switch is stored per browser and not per user account.

Failed to save the setting

Specify space-delimited list of articles which should be ignored when ordering the artists alphabetically. The articles are case-insensitive.

In addition to the web interface, this setting is respected in the Subsonic interface although not necessarily by all clients.

Many functionalities of the Music app web UI can be controlled with keyboard shortcuts. Show all…

SPACE or KPlay / Pause
LEFT or JSeek backwards. Seek faster with SHIFT or slower with ALT.
RIGHT or LSeek forward. Seek faster with SHIFT or slower with ALT.
CTRL+LEFTJump to the previous track
CTRL+RIGHTJump to the next track
MMute / Unmute
NUMPAD MINUSDecrease volume. Adjust more with SHIFT or less with ALT.
NUMPAD PLUSIncrease volume. Adjust more with SHIFT or less with ALT.
SHIFT+COMMADecrease playback speed
SHIFT+PERIODIncrease playback speed

Ampache and Subsonic

You can browse and play your music collection from external applications which support either Ampache or Subsonic API.
Note that Music may not be compatible with all Ampache/Subsonic clients. Check the verified Ampache clients and Subsonic clients.

Use this address to browse your music collection from an Ampache compatible player. If this URL doesn't work try to append '/server/xml.server.php'.

Use this address to browse your music collection from a Subsonic compatible player.
Here you can generate passwords to use with the Ampache or Subsonic API. Separate passwords are used because they can't be stored in a really secure way due to the design of the APIs. You can generate as many passwords as you want and revoke them at anytime.
Description Revoke API password
Failed to generate new Ampache/Subsonic password
Use the following credentials to connect to this Ampache/Subsonic instance.
{{ settings.user }}
{{ ampachePassword }}



There is no settings UI for the server-wide settings of the Music app but some settings are available by adding specific key-value pairs to the file {{filename}}. The available keys are described below.


To see the artist biography and other information from in the details view, you need to create an API account with For this, use the form. Only 'Contact email' and 'Application name' need to be filled in the form. You are then provided with an API key which should be used as a value for this key. For more details, see the tutorial.


Large album cover images are down-scaled to this size on the server before providing them for the web browser or the Subsonic/Ampache client. Smaller images are not up-scaled. The default size is 380 pixels. The value should be given as a single integer.


Array of allowed radio and podcast streaming hosts. HLS-type streams are not affected. Default is ['http://*:*', 'https://*:*'], allowing streaming from any remote URL. The given URLs will be added to the Content-Security-Policy headers media-src and img-src.


Enable streaming HLS-type radio stations, relaying them via the cloud server. Default is true. When enabled, the sources data: and blob: will be added to the CSP header media-src.


The interval for automatic podcast update checks in hours. Decimal value can be used for sub-hour resolution. Negative value will disable automatic updating. The default value is 24 hours.
Note: the update rate is limited also by the execution rate of your cloud background task.


The Ampache API major version to use in case the client doesn't specify any version. The default is {{defaultVer}}.


OBSOLETE. This key is no longer needed or used by the Music application.
